Iveta Radičová

Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-2012)

Iveta Radičová served as the first female Prime Minister of Slovakia from 2010 to 2012.

Radičová was born in 1956, in Bratislava, Slovakia. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Sociology at Comenius University, and attended the Slovak Academy of Sciences where she earnedher PhD in the same subject. Radičováalso studied at the University of Oxford, and from 1998 - 1999 was a visiting fellow at New York University through the Fulbright Program.

 In 1991, Radičová founded the Center for Analysis of Social Policy, one of Slovakia's first non-government organizations, and served as its Executive Director until 2005. During this period, Radičová also lectured in the departments of sociology, political science, and social work at Comenius University. In 2005, she was named a professor of sociology by the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University, making her Slovakia's first female professor of sociology.

Radičová began her political career in 1990 as a member of the Public Against Violence movement, serving as its party spokesperson until 1992. From 2005 to 2006, she served as Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family|| in the center-right government of Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda. Radičová was then elected as a member of the Parliament of Slovakia on the party list of Dzurinda's liberal-conservative Slovak Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-DS) in the 2006 parliamentary election. Following the 2006 election, the SDKU-DS went into opposition. Radičová officially became a member of SDKU-DS following the election and was subsequently elected as the deputy chairman of the party. Radičová also served as the Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Social Affairs and Housing.

In the 2009 presidential election,Radičová became the only woman to advance to the second round of a presidential election in Slovak history. Shortly after her loss in the presidential election, she cast a parliamentary vote for an absent party colleague in violation of parliamentary rules. As a result of the ensuing controversy, Radičová resigned her seat in parliament on April 23, 2009.

Radičová was selected as the SDKU-DS's election leader for the 2010 parliamentary election. In the election on June 12, 2010, the SDKU-DS came in a distant second place. After the winner of the election was unable to form a new government, Radičová, as leader of the largest opposition party, was asked to form a government.Radičová was installed as Slovakia's first female prime minister on July 8, 2010, heading a coalition government of SDKU-DS, SaS, KDH, and Most-Híd. Radičová lost a vote of confidence in the parliament in October 2011, leading to an early election in March 2012 for which she did not submit herself as a candidate.

Iveta Radičová was a Fellow for the Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe project at Oxford University in 2013. The same year, she published Krajina hrubých čiar [Country of Full Stops], a book on her experience as Prime Minister. In 2017, Radičová was selected as Dean of the Faculty of Mass Media at the Pan-European University. That year, Radičová was awarded a Women Political Leaders award at its Global Forum.

PHOTO: Pavol Frešo