Laimdota Straujuma

Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-2016)

Laimdota Straujuma served as Prime Minister of Latvia from 2014 until 2016. Straujuma is the first woman to serve as the head of government of Latvia.

Laimdota Straujuma was born in 1951. She later graduated from the University of Latvia. In 1998, Straujuma entered politics, joining the People’s Party. She began working with the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999, and served as the Secretary of State of the Ministry for Agriculture from 2000 until 2006. From 2007 to 2010, Straujuma served as the Secretary of State of the Ministry for Regional Development and Local Government, In 2011, she was appointed Minister of Agriculture, a role that she served in until her ascension to Prime Minister in 2014. That year, Straujuma also left the People’s Party and then joined the Unity party, who nominated her as candidate for Prime Minister. 

PHOTO: Valsts kanceleja/State Chancellery